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01903 950766
(during opening hours)
Chanctonbury Preschool
The Old School,
Rectory Lane,
West Sussex
RH20 3AS
If you are interested in joining us, a registration pack will be provided when you visit.

How many sessions am I entitled to? And can I change my sessions?All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to 570 hours of free early education per year. This is usually taken as 15 hours per week over 38 weeks of the year. Some children aged 2 may be eligible for 15 hours of funded early educaion if their parents already receive some level of government support. At Chanctonbury Preschool we give you the opportunity to decide which sessions you would like for your child at the beginning of every term and we always strive to meet your needs throughout the term. However, we must adhere to strict safety rules around staff to child ratios. Find more information at or call the Family Information Service on 01243 777807.
How do I let the preschool know my child is going to be absent?It is helpful to let us know if your child is going to be absent for any reason. If you know in advance (such as holiday or special occasion) you can tell a member of staff at the end of the day. If your child is absent through sickness please phone the preschool in the morning.
What is the procedure for collections and drop offs?Collection and drop off procedures will be explained when you join us. Briefly, if it is a regular carer doing the pick ups and drop offs we will know you and the pocedure is the same every day. If you have someone who collects for you sometimes then you can either fill in a regular collection form and give us their details or fill in the collection book in the morning that they will be collecting. The children are seated in the hall at collection time and their carer will come in and collect them from the hall. If someone comes to collect your child and we do not know them and you have not previously let us know who they are we will not let the child leave without contacting you first.
Is there any equipment my child needs for preschool?The simple answer is not much. We want your child to come to preschool and feel happy and relaxed and we want you to feel happy and relaxed also. They will need a NAMED water bottle with water in it and a lunch box if they are staying for lunch. We do like the children to play freely and that may involve getting mucky/ painty or going out in all sorts of weather. We also like our children to learn from an early age to be as independent as possible in dressing themselves after the toilet or when going outside (with lots of support form us, of course!) We therefore really recommend the following : Dress your child in clothes you don't mind washing alot and that are easy for them to pull up / take down. Always provide a coat, ideally with a zip. Shoes with velcro instead of laces. Wellies if it's wet. Hat and sunscreen if it's hot. We have spares so don't worry if you forget!

Chanctonbury Preschool
T Shirts, Jumpers and Book Bags
There is no requirement for your child to wear specific clothes for preschool but you might like to have a T Shirt or Jumper that you know is just for mucky, painty engrossing play at pre school. If so please click on the link to order.
The children use their book bags to bring home a reading book to share with you and to carry their works of art home!
Click here
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